Se me cierra el CS y se abre un bloc

usuario anónimo - 15 dic 2009 a las 06:44
 Damip - 4 jul 2014 a las 02:15
Hola, que tal a todos, estuve buscando por todas partes mi problema, pero no pude encontrarlo. a todas las demas personas que el sxe - Y les cerraba el counter strike 1.6 no-steam al conectarse a un server y les tiraba un bloc de notas, en el mismo aparecia algun tipo de error, pero a mi solamente me aparece lo siguiente:

2006/12/15 00:35:19 -
2006/12/15 00:35:19 - ------------------
2006/12/15 00:35:19 - sXe-I dll starting
2006/12/15 00:35:19 - version: 8.5
2006/12/15 00:35:19 - **** Driver Initialization
2006/12/15 00:35:19 - **** Open success
2006/12/15 00:35:19 - **** OGL started
2006/12/15 00:35:19 - **** Link ready
2006/12/15 00:35:19 - **** Image ready
2006/12/15 00:35:19 - **** Gather ready
2006/12/15 00:35:19 - **** Trying protocol 47
2006/12/15 00:35:19 - **** Validations ready
2006/12/15 00:35:26 - **** OGL success
2006/12/15 00:35:29 - **** Half-Life protocol 47
2006/12/15 00:35:29 - hooking...
2006/12/15 00:35:29 - result...[0]
2006/12/15 00:35:29 - **** Hooked
2006/12/15 00:35:29 - **** Message [0]
2006/12/15 00:35:29 - **** Message H [0]
2006/12/15 00:35:29 - **** Message M [0]
2006/12/15 00:35:29 - **** Message D [0]
2006/12/15 00:35:29 - **** Alias Offline[1]
2006/12/15 00:35:29 - **** Listen server Offline
2006/12/15 00:35:29 - **** Gateway installed
2006/12/15 00:35:29 - **** Backup ready
2006/12/15 00:35:29 - **** ControlTime [16403891]
2006/12/15 00:35:29 - **** GL Command Offline
2006/12/15 00:35:29 - **** Finish [2464]
2006/12/15 00:37:23 - Difference [114259][123781] = Diff[9522] = [7.69%]
2006/12/15 00:37:23 - **** This is an old server version []
2006/12/15 00:37:23 - **** you can't connect with this client version
2006/12/15 00:37:24 - **** Game bpp [16]
2006/12/15 00:37:34 - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][f061cd6a9452d491d9f87168e56b5ada]­
2006/12/15 00:37:34 - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][f061cd6a9452d491d9f87168e56b5ada]­
2006/12/15 00:37:34 - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][f061cd6a9452d491d9f87168e56b5ada]­
2006/12/15 00:37:34 - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][f061cd6a9452d491d9f87168e56b5ada]­
2006/12/15 00:37:34 - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][f061cd6a9452d491d9f87168e56b5ada]­
2006/12/15 00:37:37 - **** Remote Ip:
2006/12/15 00:37:37 - **** Validating smoke...
2006/12/15 00:38:09 - sXe-I dll closing

tengo windows 7 de 32 bits, espero que alguien me pueda dar una mano para poder arreglar este problema. es toda la informacion que tengo, al conectarme a un server se me cierra el cs y me aparece el bloc de notas con la informacion agregada ahi arriba.

desde ya muchas gracias por su tiempo!
Consulta también:

3 respuestas

15 may 2010 a las 19:52
Ei a mi pasa lo mismo me dijieron que es x la vesion del CS,, vos qe version tenes?
yo tengo la V26 pero se me cierra pero el pc es mui viejo :P
no me sirve
ami me pasa lo mismo pero me aparese 2011/11/14 22:39:05 -
2011/11/14 22:39:05 - ------------------
2011/11/14 22:39:05 - sXe-I dll starting
2011/11/14 22:39:05 - version: 12.0
2011/11/14 22:39:05 - **** Game folder [C:\counter\Valve]
2011/11/14 22:39:05 - **** Active folder [C:\counter\Valve]
2011/11/14 22:39:05 - **** Trying protocol 47 for game [cstrike]
2011/11/14 22:39:05 - **** Graphic Mode: OpenGL
2011/11/14 22:39:05 - **** x86 platform detected
2011/11/14 22:39:05 - **** Driver Initialization
2011/11/14 22:39:05 - **** Open success
2011/11/14 22:39:05 - **** Link ready
2011/11/14 22:39:05 - **** Image ready
2011/11/14 22:39:05 - **** Gather ready
2011/11/14 22:39:05 - **** searching...
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Half-Life protocol 47
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - hooking...
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - result...[0]
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Hooked
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Message [0]
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Message H [0]
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Message S [0]
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Message SD [0]
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Message SS [0]
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Message SSD [0]
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Message SSI [0]
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Message SA [0]
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Alias Offline[1]
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Screening command[1]
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Listen server Offline
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Backup ready
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** ControlTime [3473260]
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** GL Command Offline
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Finish [4488]
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Engine OK
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Validations ready
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Removed...
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** OGL success
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** Gateway installed
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** SET success
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** SET VP
2011/11/14 22:39:08 - **** READY .-
2011/11/14 22:40:29 - connected!
2011/11/14 22:40:30 - **** Game bpp [16]
2011/11/14 22:40:30 - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][8aacc926d008d1139504fc17590d20d4]
2011/11/14 22:40:31 - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][8aacc926d008d1139504fc17590d20d4]
2011/11/14 22:40:31 - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][8aacc926d008d1139504fc17590d20d4]
2011/11/14 22:40:31 - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][8aacc926d008d1139504fc17590d20d4]
2011/11/14 22:40:31 - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][8aacc926d008d1139504fc17590d20d4]
2011/11/14 22:40:31 - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][8aacc926d008d1139504fc17590d20d4]
2011/11/14 22:40:31 - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][8aacc926d008d1139504fc17590d20d4]
2011/11/14 22:40:31 - **** Validating player models...
2011/11/14 22:40:31 - **** Remote Ip:
2011/11/14 22:40:31 -
U A mi me pasa lo mismo yno se como Arreglarlo Ayudenmee!
cierren el injected estupidos ....todos los servers no llevan injected
Cualquiera flaco, que hablas, si hay que tener el injected abierto para jugar... el problema tiene que ver con el injected pero no es la solucion cerrarlo...
Carita Negra.
12 dic 2011 a las 06:34
ami me pasa lo mismo es por q yo cambie un model pero por q me aparecia un error intento arreglarlo y no pasa nada
Haz modificado los model de la awp capaz q le haz qerido poner la mira o algo asi...tenes q ir a cstrike y de ahi a model y ahi borras este archivo ---> v_awp.mdl
lo hice y no me ayudo
2011/09/18 16:29:07 -
2011/09/18 16:29:07 - ------------------
2011/09/18 16:29:07 - sXe-I dll starting
2011/09/18 16:29:07 - version: 12.0
2011/09/18 16:29:07 - **** Game folder [C:\Archivos de programa\Valve]
2011/09/18 16:29:07 - **** Active folder [C:\Archivos de programa\Valve]
2011/09/18 16:29:07 - **** Trying protocol 47 for game [cstrike]
2011/09/18 16:29:07 - **** Graphic Mode: OpenGL
2011/09/18 16:29:07 - **** x86 platform detected
2011/09/18 16:29:07 - **** Driver Initialization
2011/09/18 16:29:07 - **** Open success
2011/09/18 16:29:07 - **** Link ready
2011/09/18 16:29:07 - **** Image ready
2011/09/18 16:29:07 - **** Gather ready
2011/09/18 16:29:07 - **** searching...
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Half-Life protocol 47
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - hooking...
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - result...[0]
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Hooked
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Message [0]
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Message H [0]
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Message S [0]
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Message SD [0]
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Message SS [0]
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Message SSD [0]
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Message SSI [0]
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Message SA [0]
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Alias Offline[1]
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Screening command[1]
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Listen server Offline
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Backup ready
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** ControlTime [791081]
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** GL Command Offline
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Finish [2488]
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Engine OK
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Validations ready
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Removed...
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** OGL success
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** Gateway installed
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** SET NO-success
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** SET VP
2011/09/18 16:29:11 - **** READY .-
2011/09/18 16:29:39 - Window name error! [Counter-Strike][ge]
2011/09/18 16:29:39 - Window name error! [Counter-Strike][ge]
2011/09/18 16:29:40 - Window name error! [Counter-Strike][ge]
2011/09/18 16:30:03 - connected!
2011/09/18 16:30:05 - **** Game bpp [32]
2011/09/18 16:30:05 - **** Validating player models...
2011/09/18 16:30:05 - **** Remote Ip:
2011/09/18 16:30:05 -
2011/09/18 16:30:07 - sXe-I dll closing
Poker of Headshots
10 dic 2011 a las 01:19
2011/12/10 00:08:41 -
2011/12/10 00:08:41 - ------------------
2011/12/10 00:08:41 - sXe-I dll starting
2011/12/10 00:08:41 - version: 12.0
2011/12/10 00:08:41 - **** Game folder [C:\Archivos de programa\Counter-Strike 1.6]
2011/12/10 00:08:41 - **** Active folder [C:\Archivos de programa\Counter-Strike 1.6]
2011/12/10 00:08:41 - **** Trying protocol 47 for game [cstrike]
2011/12/10 00:08:41 - **** Graphic Mode: OpenGL
2011/12/10 00:08:41 - **** x86 platform detected
2011/12/10 00:08:41 - **** Driver Initialization
2011/12/10 00:08:41 - **** Open success
2011/12/10 00:08:41 - **** Link ready
2011/12/10 00:08:41 - **** Image ready
2011/12/10 00:08:41 - **** Gather ready
2011/12/10 00:08:41 - **** searching...
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Half-Life protocol 47
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - hooking...
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - result...[0]
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Hooked
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Message [0]
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Message H [0]
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Message S [0]
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Message SD [0]
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Message SS [0]
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Message SSD [0]
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Message SSI [0]
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Message SA [0]
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Alias Offline[1]
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Screening command[1]
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Listen server Offline
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Backup ready
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** ControlTime [22437287]
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** GL Command Offline
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Finish [436]
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Engine OK
2011/12/10 00:08:49 - **** Validations ready
2011/12/10 00:08:50 - **** Removed...
2011/12/10 00:08:50 - **** OGL success
2011/12/10 00:08:50 - **** Gateway installed
2011/12/10 00:08:51 - **** SET NO-success
2011/12/10 00:08:51 - **** SET VP
2011/12/10 00:08:51 - **** READY .-
2011/12/10 00:09:46 - connected!
2011/12/10 00:09:47 - **** Game bpp [32]
2011/12/10 00:09:48 - **** Validating player models...
2011/12/10 00:09:48 - **** Remote Ip:
2011/12/10 00:14:28 - connected!
2011/12/10 00:14:29 - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (gamed) [cstrike\maps\de_aztec.bsp][11064078a5944d673f42fede6de17b00]
2011/12/10 00:14:29 - **** Validating player models...
2011/12/10 00:14:29 - **** Remote Ip:
2011/12/10 00:14:29 -
2011/12/10 00:14:31 - sXe-I dll closing

no solo me pasa con aztec... sino tambien con dust , dust2, inferno, nuke, train, y creo ke nada mas.. osea los mapas originales me fayan.. ESTOY DESESPERADOO

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