Ayuda con la pronunciación de un texto en inglés

Evelyn - Modificado el 2 mar 2020 a las 15:17
Carlos López Jurado Mensajes enviados 5630 Fecha de inscripción lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2019 Estatus Administrador Última intervención miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2024   - 2 mar 2020 a las 15:17
Hola, ¿me podrían ayudar con la pronunciación de este texto?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is the condition of every living being who enjoys absolute well-being both physically and mentally and socially. That is to say, the concept of health not only accounts for the non-occurrence of diseases or conditions but goes beyond that. In other words, the idea of health can be explained as the degree of efficiency of metabolism and the functions of a living being on a micro (cellular) and macro (social) scale.
The lifestyle, that is, the type of habits and customs that a person possesses, can be beneficial to health, but it can also damage or influence it negatively. For example, an individual who maintains a balanced diet and performs physical activities on a daily basis is more likely to be in good health. On the contrary, a person who eats and drinks excessively, who rests poorly and who smokes, runs serious risks of suffering preventable diseases.

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1 respuesta

Carlos López Jurado Mensajes enviados 5630 Fecha de inscripción lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2019 Estatus Administrador Última intervención miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2024   21.402
2 mar 2020 a las 15:17
Hola Evelyn,

Pega el texto en el traductor de Google y haz clic en el icono del altavoz para oír cómo se pronuncia correctamente.

Espero que te sirva, ¡un saludo!