Pronunciación de un texto en inglés

angela - Modificado por Carlos-vialfa el 21/07/2016, 08:31
Carlos Villagómez Mensajes enviados 39950 Fecha de inscripción jueves, 10 de abril de 2008 Estatus Miembro Última intervención miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2021   - 21 jul 2016 a las 08:30

necesito pronunciar es texto

The BL is an official document of transport used under a contract of carriage of goods on a ship in regular line.

SHIPPER / exporter (SENDER): Indicate the name and full address of the person or company on behalf of qui'`en goods are sold, usually is the copyright holder

Recipient (recipient): name and address of the person or company that is intended full merchandise,

PLACE OF RECEIPT (place of receipt) stored indicate that the goods have been received for transport. It can be a place inside

VESSEL / VOYAGE (boat): name of vessel and voyage number

Discharge port (Port): name of the last port of discharge.

LOAD: Indicate name and full address of the carrier which intervened in hiring transport.

TRAVEL AND transshipment port: indicate the route and transshipment port, where appropriate.
LOADING PORT / TERMINAL (charging port): initial loading port

No. MARKS AND CONTAINERS: Enter the marks or numbers that are painted on the various points to separate corresponding to different recipients or different discharge ports

11. NUMBER OF PACKAGES: Indicate number and type (boxes, bags, pallets, drums, containers, coils, packages, etc.)

12. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Describe the nature of the products, indicating its weight / unit and type of container size

13. KGS gross weight. (Gross Weight): more content packaging

BOARDING CTO NO: The same knowledge is composed of a minimum of two original (charger / receiver), plus an undetermined number of copies.

19. PLACE AND DATE OF ISSUE: Knowledge must be signed and sealed by the captain or the duly authorized by the charge carrier agent. It must be delivered to the charger if asked.
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1 respuesta

Carlos Villagómez Mensajes enviados 39950 Fecha de inscripción jueves, 10 de abril de 2008 Estatus Miembro Última intervención miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2021   278.797
21 jul 2016 a las 08:30