Will Buy WoW Gold Online Lead My Account to

fedexwowgold1 Mensajes enviados 1 Fecha de inscripción viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011 Estatus Miembro Última intervención viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011 - 2 dic 2011 a las 11:14
wowgoldok Mensajes enviados 5 Fecha de inscripción miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011 Estatus Miembro Última intervención sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013 - 8 may 2012 a las 10:55
<h4>Tell you the truth why your account will be in danger when you buy wow gold from ADs in game.--- From a Former GM of WoW</h4>

<p>When are playing world of warcraft ,especially when you are at the high levels,do you have the experience of recieving people whispering you in game for wow gold or see lots of ads about selling wow gold? Maybe sometimes you do need <a href="http://www.okgold.co.uk/">wow gold</a>,there is no need for you to get gold. Many players ask if they can trust the ads and buy wow gold from them. To tell you the truth, your account will be in danger if you buy wow gold from them for several reasons below.</p>

<p>In-game, there are players who are advertising their market for WoW gold. In fact,a really professional gold website will never promote their products through this way, world of warcraft cheap gold if do, the price they offer wont be so low that even you will doubt the truth of it.So,you must be careful if you perpare to buy wow gold. Those people generally attracts you by telling you the extremely low gold price. But those advertisements in game are mostly not true, they are from spam sites or hackers.</p>

<p>From a former GM's aspect of view , there are some other illegal ways about those <a href="http://www.vipgolds.com">wow gold</a> advertising, like a Phishing electronic mail you got. If you try to log into the game at all right after receiving that email,you won't log into your account because scammers take your account information by sending ads in this way.</p>

<p>Several facts proved that most of the ads in game are not trustworthy, you should select on the web site carefully before you determined to buy wow gold. Mostly, if there's no problem with the ads in game, your wow gold delivery will last for a long time.So from my point of view,if you want to buy wow gold , you'd rather go directly to a good wow gold site to place your order,and ignore the advertise in game and from emails. If a wow gold supplier is quite professional for wow gold , they don't even need to send ads in game to own large amount of customers.They can still create a good revenue for their good serivce and professional business. Of course, some companies who just set up their website need ads to attract new customers, but it doesn't mean they can send out you false advertisment all the time in game to disturb players from enjoying the game.</p>

<p>Generally speaking, I hope all of you who read this article can have some consciousness about protecting their account. If you need to buy wow gold and also want to keep the safety of your account, please do remember, don't <a href="http://buywowgoldus.com/">buy wow gold</a> from scammers who send ads in game, here's the freedom for you to buy wow gold from  okgold.co.uk to enjoy the game and keep your account safe all the time.</p>

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<p>Article Source:               ( <a href="http://www.okgold.co.uk/">wow gold</a> ) <a href="http://buywowgoldus.com/">http://www.buywowgoldus.com</a> ( <a href="http://buywowgoldus.com/">buy wow gold</a> ) </p>

<p>                              ( <a href="http://www.okgold.co.uk/">world of warcraft gold</a> ) <a href="http://okgold.co.uk/">http://okgold.co.uk/</a>  ( <a href="http://buywowgoldus.com/">buying wow gold</a> ) </p>

<p>Recommended articles :           ( <a href="http://www.vipgolds.com">wow gold</a> ) <a href="http://vipgolds.com">http://vipgolds.com</a> (  <a href="http://buywowgoldus.com/">buy world of warcraft gold</a> )</p>
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1 respuesta

wowgoldok Mensajes enviados 5 Fecha de inscripción miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011 Estatus Miembro Última intervención sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013
8 may 2012 a las 10:55
Obtener el 50% de descuento de oro wow de http://www.wowwowgold.com/